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DWDM Module

time:2021-09-01 10:18:29 click:

Cloudfiber’100GHz, 200GHz dense wavelength division multiplexer (DWDM) utilizes thin film coating technology and proprietary design of non-flux metal bonding micro optics packaging to achieve optical add and drop at the ITU wavelengths. It provides ITU channel center wavelength, low insertion loss, high channel isolation, wide pass band, low temperature sensitivity and epoxy free optical path . It can be used for wavelength add/drop in telecommunication network system.

Key Features

Low Insertion loss

Wide pass band

High channel

High stability and reliability

Epoxy free on optical path


Channel Add/Drop

DWDM Network

Wavlength Routing

CATV fiberoptic System

Fiber optical amplifier



Note: All the data above does not include connectors. If the connector is added, the insertion loss is increased by 0.3dB.

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